Graphic design with Radford Wallis

We’ve worked with leading London graphic design studio Radford Wallis on a number of projects. Here are a couple of our favourites…


Land Securities – 80 Victoria Street

Project background

Create a signage system to demonstrate how the future walls will divide the space of this enormous floorplate.

The idea

Four items commonly used to mark out space were created at a large scale to echo the huge proportions of the floor area available.

Our role

We worked on the concepts stage of this project, with the team at Radford Wallis completing production with Main Titles.



The project received a D&AD yellow pencil nomination.

D&AD Workout Brochure

Project background

Create a brochure promoting D&AD Workout – a professional development training programme, offering a range of courses and workshops to individuals working in design and advertising.

The idea

A brochure was created that challenges the reader through a series of witty questions that play on the idea of lost inspiration, emphasising the relevance of the programme to a creative audience. By printing only black on to different coloured paper stocks, we produced cost-effective, engaging brochures that were colour coded into sections.

Our role

We worked on the early stages of this project, and contributed copywriting for the headlines, with the brochure being completed by the team at Radford Wallis.



The Workout Brochure was included in the D&AD annual.

All work above © Copyright Radford Wallis.


Branding and design with The Partners


Design with Blast